General Policies and Procedures
St. Nicholas Ukrainian Catholic School (SNUCS) is valued as a Catholic School because students are taught respect for one another. The students must know what is expected of them and be aware of what will happen if they fail to follow behavioral prescriptions. Therefore, SNUCS will enforce a code of conduct to serve as a mechanism for informing students, parents, and teachers about ground rules for behavior in the school setting.
a. Students are required to be respectful to those in authority, to act in a disciplined, orderly manner, and to treat each other with dignity. Parental support and encouragement is required to help the school to develop the child’s unique personality.
b. In church, behavior must be respectful to God and the pastor or presiding celebrant. Sunday attendance at church reinforces what the child is taught at SNUCS.
a. Students must keep all textbooks neatly covered at all times. All books are to be kept in good condition and carried in a book bag. Students will be charged for lost or damaged books.
b. Lost textbooks must be replaced immediately. The cost of lost books can be determined at the school office, and that amount is to be paid to the office immediately.
a. Students are to care for and respect school property and the property of others.
b. Care should be taken in restrooms to maintain cleanliness. If a student is at fault and responsible for property damage, she/he will be required to pay for or replace it.
New Jersey law requires any person with “reasonable cause” to believe that a child has been subjected to child abuse or acts of child abuse to promptly report the same to the Division of Youth and Family Services by telephone or otherwise.
Threats of violence and other forms of abusive expression, physical harassment, corporal punishment, use of inappropriate sexual words, actions, innuendoes, and comments directed at a person’s gender are unacceptable. Disciplinary action will be taken.
Divorced or separated parents must file a court-certified copy of the custody section of the divorce or separation decree with the principal’s office. The school will not be held responsible for failing to honor arrangements that have not been made known. Divorced parents who do not have child custody have access to pupil records unless the school has been notified in writing by proper authorities that a court of appropriate jurisdiction has terminated parental rights.
Anti-Bullying Policy
We at St. Nicholas Ukrainian Catholic School, teaching as Jesus did with love, care, and discipline, believe that all students are entitled to:
A safe and civil environment;
A loving and caring environment;
An environment that recognizes the individuality and dignity of each child;
An environment that fosters life-giving relationships within the school community.
A safe and civil environment in school is necessary for students to learn and achieve high academic standards. Bullying, harassment, and intimidation are violent behaviors that disrupt students' ability to learn and the school's ability to educate its students in a safe environment.
St. Nicholas Ukrainian Catholic School prohibits acts of harassment, intimidation, or bullying against students, teachers, administrators, classroom aides, other school employees, and volunteers.
All students are expected to act with integrity, civility, responsibility, and self-control. This expectation is directly related to our educational objectives for students to learn to be responsible for and accept the consequences of their behavior. Integrity, civility, responsibility, and self-control are necessary for establishing and maintaining a safe, orderly, and inviting environment.
Harassment, intimidation, or bullying refers to any gesture or written, verbal, or physical act reasonably perceived as being motivated by any actual or perceived characteristic. These include race, color, religion, ancestry, national origin, sexual orientation, gender identity/expression, mental/physical/sensory handicap, or any other distinguishing characteristic. Such acts might occur on school property or at any other functions, on or off school property, involving SNUCS students.
Physical – hitting, kicking, spitting, pushing, taking/damaging personal property, extorting money, blocking/impeding student movement, or unwelcome physical contact, including with thrown or foreign objects
Psychological – name-calling, rumor-spreading (verbal/written/text messaging), gossip, manipulating social relationships, engaging in social exclusion, shunning, or intimidation
Verbal – taunting, malicious teasing, insulting, name-calling, or making threats
Any form of abuse – physical, emotional, ethnic, racial, or sexual advances
Internet bullying – cyber-bullying
Feelings of superiority
Feelings of inferiority
Family problems
Abuse at home
Parents and the school community working together will promote a caring school community;
Children will be given the opportunity to discuss issues surrounding bullying;
Children will be taught conflict resolution;
Promote a "non-violent" policy in the home and the local community;
Listen to and report any concerns regarding bullying so appropriate action can be taken;
Methods of dealing with and responding to bullying.
All members of our school community have the right and responsibility to report any known bullying activity or negative social behaviors to keep our school safe. Everyone has the right to be respected; therefore, students who practice bullying need to know that it is unacceptable in school and will be reprimanded. This policy encourages all to be aware of bullying and to report it. Students, parents, teachers, staff, and school administration are encouraged to report and help prevent bullying.
Attendance Policy
According to state standards, the school shall be open for instruction for at least 180 days. Every student in good health is expected to attend school regularly. Frequent absences are a detriment to your child's learning and are reflected in poorer grades.
8:00 AM – School Day Begins
2:45 PM – School Day Ends*
*HALF-DAY dismissal is at 12:20 PM
Students enter the school building at 8:00 AM under the supervision of their teacher. No student is allowed to enter sooner unless otherwise instructed by a teacher. No one is allowed in a classroom unattended.
Weather permitting, the students assemble in the schoolyard. If the weather is inclement, the students will use the rear door and sit quietly in the cafeteria.
Dismissal time is 2:45 PM. For safety reasons, parents may not park, drop off, or pick up their child(ren) in the upper parking lot behind the school. Parents are to park by the church and may walk students to the school's back door.
When a student is absent due to illness or emergency, the parent/guardian must notify the school office via a telephone call, in a note delivered by another person, or in person between 7:30 and 9:00 AM to explain the nature of the absence. This must be done by the parent/guardian only. Students may not notify the school themselves.
Students are responsible for any work missed while absent from school. Parents should arrange to pick up the student's work by calling the school ahead of time so the teacher can assemble the child's work. The child's missed work will be sent to the office for the parents to pick up after 2:45 PM. Students must turn in missed schoolwork within a week of returning.
Students are to report to school by 8:00 AM. Classes commence at 8:10 a.m. Students entering school after 8:00 are marked tardy. A student who arrives late should report to the office before going to class.
Students must be aware of arrangements made for them in case of early dismissal due to school vacations, snow, or other emergencies. Emergency numbers are to be submitted, updated, and sent to the school office for this purpose. Parents/Guardians must sign a log in the office when taking their child out of school before regular dismissal.
When a student must be excused early, parents must submit a written explanation to the office. Parents should schedule doctor, dentist, and other appointments as close to the end of the day as possible.
If parents wish to take their child out of school for any reason, the principal and teacher are expected to be made aware at least one week in advance.
During the academic year, the administration strongly discourages vacation during scheduled school days. Students must make up any missed work within a week of their return.
Suppose severe weather, snowstorm, or other emergency causes school to be canceled or have a delayed opening (first bell rings at 9:30 AM). In that case, you will receive an automated phone notification from Alert Solutions. You can also check the following for closings:
Cablevision News 12
In case of a school emergency in which the local police inform us NOT to send the students home, and some parents still feel the need to pick up their child(ren), please adhere to the following policy. Parents are to come to the backdoor of the church basement, where the principal or school secretary will be waiting. Inform them that you want to take your child home—we will bring your child to you. Groups of parents coming into the church basement might cause unnecessary panic. Please keep your emergency contact forms updated!
An extended care program will be held after school from 2:45–5:30 PM. Parents must complete the application and agreement forms. The after-school program will continue on half-days unless you are notified otherwise. A parent must inform the office of any changes in participation.
Financial Policies
The stated tuition and education fees at St. Nicholas Ukrainian Catholic School for the given year do not cover the total cost of a given student's education. The parish collections partially subsidize every student's tuition.
Fundraising and participation in the PTA are a necessity for all parents. A school contract outlining your mandatory participation is to be signed by every family.
Registration for the following school year is to be paid in March. Consumable fees are to be paid in June. Children may also lose their placement in the classroom if registration is not paid. Registration and consumable fees are non-refundable.
Tuition payments will be spread over ten months. Tuition is due on the 17th of the month. Payments submitted after the 17th of the month will be subject to a twenty-dollar ($20) late fee.
Nonpayment of financial obligations will cause educational services for the student to be suspended, and transcripts/report cards will not be issued.